

Woolpert’s innovative stormwater services help MS4 operators meet EPA mandates, implement and challenge TMDLs and react in real time to illicit discharges. We maintain a solid foundation in our industry by providing hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and storm drainage analyses in support of flood control projects. Our team of industry-leading stormwater design and management experts can assess your needs and develop a monitoring program with clearly designed objectives for each unique circumstance that meets your required accuracy, regulatory compliance and budgetary constraints. What's more, we have extensive project experience in the FEMA map revision process for both public and private projects, and we leverage our expertise in master drainage studies, low-impact development techniques, BMPs and permanent control structures. Whether our experts are helping with immediate water quality/quantity needs, long-term watershed permit requirements or overall system improvements, our experience with traditional methods and cutting-edge technology provides clients with peace of mind. You can trust our experienced staff to provide the right data and designs to meet your specific needs.
Featured Projects

Lower Greens Bayou Watershed Planning Study

Castlewood Subdivision Stormwater Drainage Design

Cottage Grove East Drainage and Paving Improvements

Greenville County Sampling and Monitoring Network

Raleigh Watershed Monitoring Strategy and Implementation Plan

Kissimmee Monitoring Program Support

Palm Coast Monitoring Strategy Development

One Justice Square – BMP Monitoring

Greenville County Sampling/Monitoring Network

Snee Farm Neighborhood Watershed

Greenville County Services Overview

Stormwater Asset Management–Greenville 2.0


  • Asset management, system mapping and condition assessments 
  • Bank stabilization design
  • Benefit cost analysis
  • Best management practice design, implementation and testing 
  • Bridge scour studies
  • Detailed floodplain mapping and management 
  • Drainage impact studies
  • Flood insurance studies and map changes
  • Flood risk management
  • Funding mechanism development and maintenance 
  • Green infrastructure and LID/LEED® project designs
  • Hydrologic and hydraulic studies
  • Master drainage planning 
  • Program development, implementation and auditing 
  • Quantity and quality master planning 
  • Regulatory compliance for NPDES permits and TMDLs 
  • Riverine and coastal modeling
  • Stormwater management and pollution prevention plans 
  • Utility development 
  • Water monitoring and modeling programs