Oklahoma City Sanitary Sewer Asset Management and Condition Assessment Services

The Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust owns, operates and maintains approximately 2,862 miles of sanitary sewer gravity lines connected by approximately 68,730 manholes, chambers and cleanouts. This pipeline and its associated appurtenances have an estimated value of well over $1.5 billion. To keep its system running efficiently, maximize the life of its assets and protect its in-ground investment, OCWUT desires to develop an asset management program around risk-based modeling, condition-based repair and replacement planning, formalized operation and maintenance plans, and prioritized capital improvement projects for both the short and long term.
OCWUT contracted with Woolpert to develop a long-term asset management program based on condition assessments of the sewer sub-basins. Woolpert is leveraging OCWUT’s existing software applications (Cityworks AMS and ArcGIS) and deploying Innovyze InfoMaster.
The Woolpert team is conducting a detailed inspections of the assigned sewer gravity mains, manholes, siphons, chambers and laterals to determine their existing conditions. Additionally, OCWUT-provided GIS sewer manholes and sewer gravity lines are being reviewed by the team for accessibility and safety to determine if additional work is required.
Woolpert is providing professional engineering services required to review and analyze the field-captured sewer system inspection data. Likelihood of failure and consequence of failure on the sewer gravity system is being established, detailed and used in the development of a sanitary sewer operations management program and an annual operations and maintenance work plan. Additionally, Woolpert developed a risk model that will be used to prepare an annual capital improvement prioritization report for replacement/rehabilitation of sewer mains and prepare work plans for grease, roots and flushing preventive maintenance program, as well as a long-term optimized capital improvements Program, which will be presented to OCWUT on an annual basis.
Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust
Oklahoma City, OK
- Sanitary sewer evaluation surveys
- CCTV inspection
- Acousting and sonar inspection
- Manhole inspection and cleaning
- Civil engineering