Project Details

City of Indianapolis

Indianapolis, IN


In 2009, the City of Indianapolis and the Mayor’s Action Center recognized a need to more efficiently and accurately communicate citizen service requests with departments such as Public Works, Code Enforcement and Animal Control. The city worked with Woolpert to create RequestIndy, a citizen request portal that allows citizens to submit service requests for issues they encounter—from potholes and high weeds to abandoned vehicles and more. The team designed and built the map-centric portal to help eliminate the manual processes and inefficiencies of the old system and increase the speed with which citizen-reported problems are resolved.

The portal sends requests to a suite of integration services that pushes the information directly to the correct maintenance management, permitting or animal control system. The requests are also automatically mapped in real time within a GIS layer, where crews can query and analyze them. Citizens can then check the status of their service requests, reassuring them that issues are being dealt with in a timely manner.