Facility Condition Assessment
Keeping tabs on facility conditions is a time-consuming but critical task. Undiscovered and/or unaddressed deficiencies may result in lost operational time and increased maintenance costs. A facility condition assessment is a resource-saving and cost-effective way to guide your strategic investments more effectively.
Every fully customizable Woolpert facility condition assessment examines seven key areas: building envelope, interior, HVAC, plumbing, site, electrical and fire protection. We gather data about your facility and input it into a user-friendly, updateable database. We then analyze your assets’ life cycles and develop prioritized, prescriptive corrective action plans, complete with cost estimates, for informed comparisons and decision-making.
Representative Clients
Over 100 million square feet of facility condition assessment experience, including (but not limited to) the following:
- Army and Air Force Exchange Service
- Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
- Cummins, Inc.
- Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority
- South Carolina State University
- State of Illinois Department of Human Services
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- Walter Reed Army Medical Center
- Winston-Salem State University
- Asset management
- Capital improvement planning
- Engineering support
- Facilities management
- Floorplan mapping
- Scanning
- Thermal mapping
A Roadmap to the Future of Your Facility