Project Details
City of Dayton, Dayton International Airport
Dayton, OH
Woolpert is providing design and construction phase services for CIP projects at the James M. Cox Dayton International Airport and the Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport. Projects included under this assignment encompass the Terminal Energy Retrofit Upgrades, support for the Terminal Master Plan, roadway lighting design for the Terminal Entrance Road and the implementation of a GIS, all at the Dayton International Airport. Services also included design of a new airport entrance at the Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport. The Terminal Energy Retrofit project includes design of new energy efficient hot water boilers and chillers for the heating and cooling systems, new VAV boxes for better air flow throughout the terminal and two concourses and new automated controls. The GIS has been sequenced to allow implementation over a multi-year period to match budget and funding availability. Woolpert efficiently modified the GIS implementation to match the Airport Staff’s changing priorities.
Key Successes
Supported City staff in evaluating/obtaining funding for the Energy Retrofit Project, including Energy Rebates from Utility provider, PFC funding and VALE Grant option