Transportation infrastructure links the nation. For more than 100 years, Woolpert’s award-winning planning, engineering and geospatial services have strengthened this connection by advancing the development of America’s roadways. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, multidisciplinary teams and the benefit of experience, we steer projects to completion with time and budget to spare.
Featured Projects
- Access studies
- Aerial mapping
- Bikeways and walkways
- Bridge analysis and design
- Capacity analyses
- Corridor and alignment studies
- Cost estimating
- Drainage/stormwater systems
- Environmental documents
- Feasibility studies
- Lidar
- Maintenance of traffic
- Mobile mapping
- Pedestrian facilities
- Public involvement
- Retaining walls
- Right-of-way plans and descriptions
- Roadways
- Roundabouts
- Safety studies
- Signage and pavement markings
- Signal warrants
- Structural details and analysis
- Surveying
- Traffic data collection
- Traffic impact studies
- Traffic signal and signal systems
- Utility relocation