The perfect storm for infrastructure managers has arrived—increased regulations, reduced funding, aging wet infrastructure, and a focus on sustainability. Woolpert has worked with many of the nation’s largest cities, counties, and utilities to improve the way they plan, design, operate, and manage their assets. Our team is structured around our clients’ needs; this unique structure enables us to approach flood control, water quality, and regulatory compliance issues from a truly integrated perspective. We combine expertise in wastewater and stormwater management with advancements in asset management to arrive at the forefront of a new engineering paradigm.
Our clients must translate sustainable solutions into cost-effective strategies; we help them make informed decisions based on sound science and EPA-approved methodologies. Additionally, Woolpert’s participation in industry organizations such as WEF, APWA, NACWA, NAFSMA, and IECA, as well as our relationships with university researchers, state regulators, federal agencies, and industry experts, help us to not only stay ahead of regulatory issues, but also influence the development of laws and regulations.
We maintain a solid foundation in our industry by providing hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and storm drainage analyses in support of flood control projects. Our team has extensive project experience in the FEMA map revision process for both public and private projects, and we leverage our expertise in master drainage studies, low-impact development techniques, BMPs, and permanent control structures.
Featured Projects
- Bank stabilization design
- Benefit cost analysis
- Bridge scour studies
- Capital improvement plan prioritization
- Collection system evaluation and design
- Continuous surface water monitoring
- Drainage impact studies
- Flood insurance studies and map changes
- Flood risk management
- Floodplain management and modeling
- Green infrastructure design and evaluation
- Hazard mitigation
- Hydrologic and hydraulic studies
- Inventory and condition assessment (storm and sanitary)
- Master drainage planning
- MS4 compliance
- Program consulting services
- Pump station design
- Resilience planning
- Riverine and coastal modeling
- Sanitary sewer evaluation surveys
- Stormwater program management
- Stormwater quality/NPDES studies
- Stormwater utility development
- Utility asset management program development and implementation
- Water distribution design
- Water reuse (i.e. purple pipe)
- Watershed master planning and modeling