Road and Bridge Design
From rural roads and covered bridges to complex highway interchanges, and everything in between, Woolpert’s award-winning team of road and bridge engineers provides high-quality, cost‐effective designs with low long‐term life cycle and maintenance costs. We analyze and design for bicycle, pedestrian, vehicular, and mass transit within the context of each individual community for their safe and efficient operation and interaction, often within the same space.
Woolpert’s experience includes conducting studies and developing design solutions for all types of roadways, from rural roads to interstates, to provide a one-stop shop for all your project needs. Our transportation professionals understand all aspects of highway improvement projects, including survey, geometrics, drainage, pavement design, traffic control, right of way, and maintenance of traffic during construction. Our wide range of experience is available to help you at any step in the process, from funding applications and design to working with residents, resource agencies, or private developers.
Our bridge staff have a combined total of more than 110 years of experience designing complex Level 2 structures and modest standard structures, as well as a long history of providing high quality, cost‐effective designs that have low long‐term life cycle and maintenance costs. This experience includes complex interstate projects, as well as urban arterial widening and reconstruction projects, for DOTs and other municipal clients. Our team of bridge engineers is also accomplished in maintenance of traffic, drainage, and roadway design accommodating structural services.
Woolpert’s transportation and traffic professionals have a wide range of experience and expertise, from data collection through project development to final construction. Collection, compilation, and analysis of data includes traffic counts, inventory of conditions, sight distance, survey, photometric inventory, as well as capacity and safety assessments. Our engineers and planners have completed numerous transportation planning studies for state and local municipalities. To Woolpert, traffic engineering involves all modes of transportation from pedestrian level to motor vehicles. We analyze and design for bicycle, pedestrian, vehicular, and mass transit within the context of each individual community for their safe and efficient operation and interaction, often within the same space.
- Bicycle facility design
- Bridge design (Levels 1 and 2)
- Bridge inspection (Level 1)
- Highway lighting design
- Right-of-way planning
- Roadway design
- Safety and interchange studies
- Traffic signal design
Woolpert Wins ASHE Project of the Year Award for Parsons Avenue Streetscape
Woolpert, ODNR Win Award for ‘Indiana Jones’ Bridge in Hocking Hills State Park