Why you—yes you!—should take advantage of your state’s free imagery and elevation data

By Kent Park, Woolpert

By now, you’ve heard that the state is giving away its data—literally! Here are 4 ways that your local government can benefit from this incredible offer.

So, why not let the state pay for your imagery? This incredibly useful resource is open to all city and county agencies throughout the state—no strings attached—from the Indiana Geographic Information Office. This is one program that most definitely isn’t too good to be true.


Kent Park’s more than 30 years of experience in photogrammetry and client services gives him a well-qualified perspective on state imagery programs. As a Project Manager for Woolpert’s Geospatial group, he has managed a multitude of large-scale, cutting-edge mapping efforts for multiple state and federal agencies. Contact Kent ( or 317.281.2092) today to find out how you can make the most of your imagery.