City of Greenville Wastewater Asset Management System Integration
Renewable Water Resources, a special purpose district of Greenville, is the largest wastewater treatment provider in upstate South Carolina. ReWa uses Cityworks asset management system as its work order system of record and wanted to expand its use of the AMS to include ReWa’s seven wastewater treatment plants and motor vehicle fleet.
In 2020, Woolpert was retained to provide implementation support services for this expansion of ReWa’s AMS. Woolpert began this effort through development of an implementation vision, then defined a set of planned performance management strategies that would be followed by the project team to achieve the vision. Woolpert next designed and deployed the performance management system applications needed to support sustained performance management and monitoring. Finally, Woolpert developed custom implementations to deliver the required new capabilities within ReWa’s AMS.
The initial phases of this project were focused on deploying the core AMS functionality required to support work/asset maintenance management activities. Ongoing tasks included evaluating the integration of various corporate business and core AM software applications, as well as developing custom reports and dashboards.
Woolpert’s services under this project included collaborating with ReWa’s IT staff to define and memorialize the organization’s global integration standards, facilitating integration discovery workshops, preparing a software requirements specification document for the required integrations and developing the required custom integrations. ReWa’s custom reports and dashboard features were defined and refined in selected report writing applications, and a script was developed to update Cityworks equipment records with asset attribute information from specific GIS feature classes. Finally, Woolpert is working with ReWa’s IT team to begin planning for the eventual deployment of advanced mobile AM tools to enhance the functionality of the expanded Cityworks AMS.
Renewable Water Resources (ReWa)
Greenville, SC
- Asset management
- Technology implementation