Clayton County SSES Program


As part of its ongoing program to locate, prioritize and remove infiltration and inflow from its collection system, CCWA contracted with Woolpert to perform a countywide sanitary sewer evaluation survey. Woolpert completed inspections of prioritized basins totaling over 1,000,000 linear feet of pipeline. Areas for SSES work were selected based upon the results of previous wastewater flow monitoring and institutional knowledge of the system. Woolpert’s tasks included:

  • Smoke testing (744,559 linear feet)
  • Manhole inspections (5,480 manholes)
  • Dye flooding (60 tests)
  • CCTV (664,940 linear feet)
  • Sewer cleaning
  • Flow isolations
  • Bypass pumping
  • Flow monitoring (multiple basins, including performance monitoring)
  • Electro-scanning (10,260 linear feet)
  • GPS of manholes and defects

Optional services included ultrasonic testing of force mains and PPIC Sahara method for force main inspections. Over the course of this contract, Woolpert identified many significant defects  allowing I/I to enter the system. Based on this data, CCWA crews performed immediate repairs to enhance operational performance and remove large quantities of I/I flow from the system. Flow monitoring projects included:

  • Northeast Basin, 41 meters and nine rain gauges for four months
  • Shoal Creek, 50 meters and six rain gauges for six months
  • DeKalb Basin, 15 meters and three rain gauges for six months
  • Northeast Basin, 41 meters and five rain gauges for six months
  • Casey Basin, 19 meters and four rain gauges for six months

Clayton County Water Authority

Morrow, GA