Project Details
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Air Traffic Organization (ATO), Technical Operations (Tech Ops)
Airports throughout the U.S.
The FAA’s Satellite Navigation-Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) team, part of the Air Traffic Organization (ATO) Technical Operations (Tech Ops), has been tasked with the implementation of performance-based navigation (RNP/RNAV) for all phases of flight, including localizer performance with vertical guidance (LPV) approach and departure procedures to all applicable runways in the National Airspace System (NAS).
Since 2005, Woolpert has been tasked with the production of aeronautical survey datasets to be used in the development of LPV procedures across the NAS. A space-based augmentation system, WAAS provides correction services over the entirety of North America; covering this footprint, the Woolpert team has completed high-quality geospatial support and surveys at more than 1,000 airports (2,500 runway ends), in 47 states (including Alaska) and throughout Mexico.
Woolpert’s endeavor included planning, collecting, compiling and reporting tasks for geodetic and photogrammetric control surveys, high-accuracy airport feature data collection, aerial photography acquisition, aerial triangulation, photogrammetric compilation, and CAD and GIS data development. Woolpert delivered the completed surveys using the FAA’s Airports GIS web interface delivery system and standards for review and approval.
Woolpert not only produced nearly 75% of the geospatial aeronautical data to support the nationwide implementation of WAAS LPV procedures, but also led the development of survey and delivery standards used by all other contractors throughout the program. . Throughout this program, Woolpert performed with an impeccable safety record—no recordable injuries, runway incursions or FAA safety violations.
“{Woolpert’s safety record} is simply unmatched among other programs in the TSSC-III programs.”
WAAS Program Manager Nathan MagestadWAAS Program Manager Nathan Magestad
Woolpert’s efforts resulted in a Management Association for Private Photogrammetric Surveyors (MAPPS) Program Excellence Award in 2011.