Greenville County Services Overview

For more than 20 years, Woolpert has provided an array of services for Greenville County, S.C., ranging from implementation of and compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) to watershed studies for both flooding and water quality. Woolpert assisted the county with implementing Cityworks, several design projects and provided hazard mitigation planning. This work was completed by a core team familiar to the county, which brought continuity and institutional knowledge to projects while infusing fresh ideas with regional and national perspectives.
Woolpert assisted Greenville County with negotiations for its first NPDES permit and has been assisting with implementation and compliance ever since. Woolpert has helped with annual reporting, program and work plan developments and implementing stormwater management practices (SWMP), as well as assisted in the review of legal authority and developing ordinances. Additionally, Woolpert has helped the county develop a multi-jurisdictional, multi-hazard mitigation plan.
Watershed Analysis, Water Quality Modeling
Greenville County watersheds vary from the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains to the flatter areas in the southern portion of the county. Some watersheds are highly urbanized while others are relatively rural. These divergent features coupled with residential and commercial development create unique flooding issues throughout the county. Woolpert has assisted with prioritizing watersheds for study and has performed a variety of modeling and planning activities as the county has systematically addressed its flooding issues. In addition, Woolpert has provided water quality modeling services for many years to update the state’s Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) models of the Reedy River watershed and evaluated the potential implications on Greenville County.
Cityworks Implementation
In order to manage Greenville County’s permits and processes in a more efficient and proactive manner, the county and Woolpert initiated a project to incorporate the permits and processes into Cityworks Permits, Licensing and Land (PLL) and Asset Management System (AMS) respectively. This project has provided the county with a means to not only track work orders, but to also track various components of its NPDES program. Woolpert has supplied a team of Cityworks experts and staff with an understanding of the county’s operations to deploy a comprehensive Cityworks solution. Woolpert continues to provide on-call assistance for the Land Development Division to enhance the software and other support applications.
Greenville County, S.C.
Greenville County, S.C.