James Blair Middle School


Woolpert provided full-service architectural and engineering services for a new middle school in Williamsburg-James City County (WJCC). Decommissioned as a school facility in 2009, the original James Blair Middle School building was converted to offices for the WJCC Public School Central Administration in 2010. Two years later, division enrollment projections indicated that another middle school would be needed. After several studies recognizing the inability to accommodate future, long-term growth, as well as numerous student limitations, WJCC decided to increase its available capacity and redevelop the existing James Blair site.

WJCC hired Woolpert to create a new middle school that embraces and supports the following 21st-century teaching and learning model:

  • Ample opportunities for STEM/STEAM
  • Collaborative, project-based, interdisciplinary instruction
  • Flexible and seamless technology
  • Indoor and outdoor spaces that enhance learning and environmental awareness.
  • Secure, student-centered school environment

Williamsburg James City County Public Schools

Williamsburg, VA

In association with Fanning-Howey