Ken Byers Tennis Complex Renovation and Expansion

The Ken Byers Tennis Complex* at Georgia Tech is home to one of the top collegiate tennis programs in the nation, which is no surprise since the university is Engineering News-Record (ENR) Southeast’s 2013 Owner of the Year. When the university wanted an elite tennis venue that would enhance the Georgia Tech tennis brand and compete with facilities at other NCAA and Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) universities, it chose a team that included Woolpert along with an associate architect.
- Six indoor competition courts
- Six outdoor courts with ample spectator seating
- Competition-level lighting for both the indoor and outdoor courts
- Lobby in the tennis center to receive guests and recruits, as well as provide display areas for trophies and the Georgia Tech legacy
- Men’s and women’s team locker rooms and team room
The new complex completely replaces the old, outdated facility and includes indoor and outdoor competition courts, locker rooms and team facilities, expanded spectator seating and landscaping.
As one of the nation’s top ten public universities, Georgia Tech is a diverse client with multiple stakeholders, each with different objectives, so meeting the variety of needs on this project was a challenge that was tackled head on by the designers from the beginning. The tennis complex was designed to meet LEED® Silver certification and has met these requirements, which is consistent with the university’s mandate that all new projects be designed for sustainability. The tennis complex provides Georgia Tech with a new cornerstone that, along with the basketball arena, anchors the northwest campus entry.
*previously the Bill Moore Tennis Center

Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA
Winner of the Honor Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)