Snee Farm Neighborhood Watershed

Woolpert conducted a comprehensive watershed assessment to investigate water quantity and quality issues in the Snee Farm neighborhood in the Town of Mount Pleasant, S.C. The investigation identified specific storm sewer system repair and maintenance needs; conceptual design alternatives to alleviate existing flooding; and structural best management practices (BMP) to improve surface water quality. This work was used to select capital improvement projects in a preliminary engineering report. Woolpert finalized the designs of the selected capital improvement projects and prepared final construction plans and bid documents for the drainage improvements project. This project was scheduled to be complete in April 2020.
Woolpert and Cornerstone collected the necessary GIS data and other support information within the Snee Farm area to aid in the field inventory process and watershed model development. Woolpert constructed a 1D and 1D/2D model of the Snee Farm drainage system using GIS and collected inventory data. Based on the data analyses, Woolpert prepared multiple alternatives that included pipe replacements and upgrades, adjustments to existing drainage patterns, channel maintenance and repairs and BMPs that intended to alleviate flooding conditions and improve water quality.
Snee Farm is a well-established neighborhood with many residents concerned about existing flooding conditions as well as the impacts of the planned construction. Woolpert assisted in the town’s public outreach, attending many meetings with residents and the homeowner’s association to answer questions and provide updates on the project’s progression.
Woolpert finalized the concept design and helped the Town of Mount Pleasant prepare the appropriate paperwork and applications to secure a loan through the State Revolving Fund. The Woolpert team worked with the town, the state and the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) to obtain the appropriate construction and encroachment permits. Easement acquisitions, project specifications, an engineer’s cost estimate, bid documents and bidding assistance were all provided through this effort. Woolpert also provided construction administration services, On-site construction oversight involved managing the challenges of working in people’s backyards and on narrow residential streets.
Town of Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina
Mount Pleasant, S.C.