Project Details
Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources
Gwinnett County, GA
The Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources serves nearly a million residents and covers the Lake Lanier regional reservoir.
Since 2008, Woolpert’s water experts have assisted the county with its wastewater infrastructure needs through a variety of services, including flow monitoring, smoke testing, dye flooding, field inspections, data review and report preparation. Additionally, Woolpert has performed site selection, equipment installation and meter relocation.

Woolpert has performed monitoring studies for Gwinnett County at more than 100 permanent stations and 17 rain gauges. The project team partnered with county staff to develop a long-term monitoring plan to accelerate the reporting and response processes.
Woolpert has identified, prioritized and implemented a find-and-fix program that reduces inflow/infiltration in the county’s sanitary sewer system, which includes more than 2,140 miles of pipeline, 197 pump stations and eight water reclamation facilities.
Woolpert utilized the county’s existing geographic information systems data as a background layer on field computers while performing all sanitary sewer evaluation survey activities. After locating and assessing nearly 9,000 sewer and water pipe crossings, Woolpert submitted the collected data in a geodatabase format compatible with the county’s computerized maintenance management system.