Do Aerial Metric Cameras Rely Significantly on IMU Orientation?

Woolpert Vice President and Chief Scientist Qassim Abdullah answers readers' questions for his monthly Mapping Matters column, published in the Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (PE&RS) journal.

For the April 2021 edition, Abdullah responds to the question: Do frame-based remote sensing systems, such as metric cameras, rely significantly on accurate inertial measurement unit (IMU) data with OPK (omega, phi, cappa) parameters for the creation of high-accuracy geospatial products? Or is position (XYZ) alone more important, as long as aerotriangulation can solve frame rotation during post-processing?

PE&RS is the official journal of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS).

The PDF of this article is below. For previous Mapping Matters columns, visit the ASPRS website at