
The Transformative Power of Asset Management 

My team helped implement an asset management system (AMS) as a pilot project for several work groups within a small Midwestern utilities department. At the conclusion of the successful pilot, the chief technology officer (CTO) inserted an AMS implementation line item into several other departments' 2019 budgets. Because the late addition wasn’t subject to the regular scrutiny of department managers, it came as no surprise when questions began to surface.

To supply a complete explanation of the unanticipated projects, the CTO asked my team to provide an AMS software demonstration, including the system’s ability to manage land and building permit applications, business licensing and code enforcement activities (LLP). 

Showing off the power of an AMS is nothing new for us. My team routinely provides demonstrations for organizations considering using AMS and/or LLP solutions, and we incorporate at least one full software demonstration during every implementation project. However, these specific demonstrations had an extra twist—the utilities work groups that had implemented the "little pilot" project were going to tell their story as well. And what a story it was…  

Over the years, I have heard many first-hand accounts of how enterprise AMS implementations have improved business processes, enabled access to critical decision-making information and streamlined communication. This particular testimonial, however, was among the most compelling stories I’ve ever heard. The presenters didn’t stop with just anecdotal evidence—instead, they counted 31 specific manual work steps automated by their pilot.  

And results? In a word— copious. From reduced entry duplication and more timely, consistent communication to more efficient workflow routing and better access to information for field staff, the results spoke for themselves. And at 31 different points! Talk about amazing… 

The users presented with passion, and they explained their new, software-enabled workflows and management capabilities as if they'd had them in place for years. They made the complex seem simple, and they assured those nursing any trepidation that an AMS would indeed make their lives easier.   

My team was floored by the presentation. Sometimes we take for granted just how much a well-implemented solution can improve operations. We know that these improvements are possible, and that when the software is used as designed, organizations can reap tremendous rewards. It just isn't often that those improvements are so meticulously catalogued and presented.

I'm always proud when my team educates organizations on the power of AMS. But this time, their show was stolen by real results and the first-hand accounting of tangible improvements. If only I could bottle that user passion and share it with everyone considering a new AMS software solution!  

Steve Schwabe, IAM

Steven Schwabe draws from a diverse background in engineering, operations management, manufacturing, business consulting and EAM/CMMS/Infor/PeopleSoft implementations.