Geospatial Expert Earns Spot on Transportation Committee

  • Qassim Abdullah, geospatial expert, recently earned a spot on the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Standing Committee on Geospatial Data Acquisition Technologies in Design and Construction-2014-2017 AFB80.

    Qassim has participated in the group since 2014 as a “friend of the committee” by giving technical presentations during summer meetings and participating in various discussions. He has joined the other 22 voting members, many of which belong to the department of transportation in various states.

    According to TRB, the committee is concerned with improved transportation applications and new techniques, systems and procedures in photogrammetry, remote sensing and surveying.

The committee focuses on the following topics:

  • High-accuracy geospatial data
  • Global positioning systems (GPS)
  • Collection and analysis of remotely sensed data and imagery
  • Demonstrating the value of data accuracy standards for geographic information systems (GIS) in design and construction

To see a full listing of all committee members, please visit this link.