Woolpert Leaders Help Author “Best Practices in Asset Management”

  • Woolpert’s very own John Przybyla, project director, Ed Singer, asset management discipline leader, and Steve Schwabe, project manager, co-authored the Best Practices in Asset Managementalongside the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE or Corps). This document helped lead the future of the organization as well as provide an example for others.

    The report examines the way in which the Corps manages its water infrastructure assets.

    From the report:

    “USACE serves the Armed Forces and the nation by providing vital engineering services and capabilities in support of national interests. With environmental sustainability as a guiding principle, the Corps is working diligently to strengthen our nation’s security by building and maintaining America’s infrastructure and providing military facilities where our service members train, work and live.

The USACE is the steward of the fourth largest asset portfolio, by monetary value, of all federal agencies. USACE is responsible for almost a quarter trillion dollars (i.e., plant replacement value) worth of the nation’s water resources assets. Water resource development activities, including flood risk management, navigation, recreation, environmental stewardship and emergency response, are a core part of USACE Civil Works programs. These programs are responsible for the Civil Works activities of eight engineering divisions and 38 districts nationwide, employing 294 officers and 23,033 civilian employees who operate and maintain civil infrastructure with a replacement value of $250 billion. The infrastructure portfolio includes more than 693 dams, 4,254 recreation areas, over 12,000 miles of commercial inland waterways, and approximately 926 harbors.”