Project Details
City of Columbus, Ohio
Columbus, OH
Columbus, Ohio’s Karl Road, located between Schrock Road and State Route 161, appears to be a neighborhood collector but, in fact, functions as an arterial roadway connecting two other major roadways. Though the pavement had been resurfaced numerous times, the existing concrete base and curbs were in poor condition, and multiple asphalt overlays were causing water to pond in driveways.
Woolpert was selected to prepare improvement plans for multiple sections of Karl Road—including replacing pavement, curbs and sidewalks; enhancing storm drainage; and adding left-turn lanes at a busy intersection. Our proposed typical section called for wider sidewalks, nominal right-of-way impacts, minimal work on driveways and preservation of mature trees in the tree lawn area. We also recommended replacing 35 curb ramps, adding street lighting, adjusting existing utilities, preparing signing and pavement marking plans, designing COTA bus pads and replacing an intersection flasher.
Traffic maintenance posed a unique challenge throughout the project.
With nearly 150 driveways in need of rebuilding and no on-street parking available, residential access was a top priority. Traffic maintenance plans kept driveways accessible at all times through a block-by-block closure pattern with one-direction local access.