On the Boards

…Building Carmel, IN Urban Mixed-Use Development Carmel, IN Urban Mixed-Use New Development and Redevelopment Carmel, IN Urban Living Development Carmel, IN Café 1201, Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA On The…

54-Inch PCCP Force Main Design-Build Rehabilitation

Erin Elliott

…ran through a very dense urban section of Miami, the team also developed a complete maintenance of traffic plan.\n\n Client Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) Location Miami, FL Services…

Google Earth Engine

…for use. Crop Monitoring and Taxation State and local governments can use aerial and satellite imagery with Google Earth Engine to create baselines of urban and rural land use to…

Lower Greens Bayou Watershed Planning Study

Erin Elliott

Lower Greens Bayou Watershed Planning Study \n\n Print Friendly Version\n\n Background The Lower Greens Bayou Watershed contains primarily urban environments with a mixture of residential and commercial properties. Challenge The…


Transit\n\n From urban corridors to interstate highways, Woolpert’s work on transportation infrastructure enhances user access and supports growing commerce. Our national, multimodal staff is comprised of planners and engineers experienced…