Church Creek Watershed Master Plan


According to the 2007 Census, the City of Charleston’s population has swelled to 107,845 citizens, an 11.58 percent increase since 2000. However, the physical expansion of the coastal city to meet this population growth has been hampered by the risk of flooding associated with heavy rains within the low lying areas of the city. Taking into account the past flooding as well as future risks, the city had placed a moratorium on new development within the 5,000-acre Church Creek Watershed. In response to this moratorium, Woolpert built a hydrologic and hydraulic model to analyze the existing flooding and to develop a master plan to control it. High watermarks were used to calibrate the ICPR model, which was then carried out by utilizing the existing land use conditions to determine both the extent and depth of flooding within the area. Further, Woolpert developed and analyzed alternatives to address future flooding and created a master plan for development in the watershed, assuring that the streets of the historical city stretch into the previously unstable area.

City of Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston, SC