GMU Stormwater Plans



The Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU) is one of the busiest municipal airports in the region. The airport is located within the city of Greenville, a long-time Woolpert client. When GMU needed assistance with stormwater issues, the airport’s primary consulting engineer, Holt Consulting Company, tapped into Woolpert’s existing long-term relationship with the city and well-known stormwater quantity and quality expertise.


The city of Greenville required GMU to prepare a stormwater master plan addressing the potential discharge of pollutants (including hydrocarbons) into the city’s storm sewer system. GMU also needed to update the existing stormwater pollution prevention plan and assess the condition of its drainage system to resolve potential flooding issues on airport property.


The Woolpert project team began by inventorying GMU’s stormwater system and assessing the condition of all components of the piped and ditched system. Using closed-circuit television (CCTV), the team performed secondary condition assessments on approximately 7,300 linear feet of sewer line.

Stormwater engineers then developed hydrologic, hydraulic and water quality models. Based on the Integrated Design and Evaluation of Assessed Loadings (IDEAL) tool, the models helped the team evaluate the data and address system capacity, potential flooding and water quality issues for the plans.

Finally, Woolpert updated GMU’s existing stormwater pollution prevention plan in accordance with the South Carolina NPDES general permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities.


While the project is ongoing, GMU has already achieved compliance with its NPDES industrial permit. The condition assessment identified a critical reach of pipe needing immediate replacement, and the modeling and master plan development are currently underway.

Holt Consulting Company for the Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU)

Greenville, SC

Increased stormwater runoff with potential pollutant discharge

New stormwater master plan and updated stormwater pollution prevention plan


  • CCTV
  • IDEAL water modeling tool
  • RTD survey collection