Southwest Airlines Maintenance Hangar

Woolpert served as the program manager for Southwest Airlines in the design and construction of a new 130,000-square-foot maintenance hangar at Denver International Airport (DEN). The hangar has space for three Boeing 737 aircraft, outside apron parking for eight 737s, and a taxi lane connector onto the airfield. Woolpert oversaw both the design team and the construction manager at-risk contractor to ensure the program met Southwest’s standards and complied with DEN’s needs and requirements. This project required extensive coordination with various utility companies and multiple DEN departments (planning, environmental, design/architectural, engineering, airport operations, and facilities and maintenance).
As the first tenant funded, non-DEN owned, development project at the airport, this project presented a series of unique challenges. To address these challenges, Woolpert successfully employed communication and change management strategies to ensure close collaboration with various stakeholders. The team held weekly coordination meetings to work through a focused discussion point for each of the various stakeholder groups in attendance. Woolpert’s very small and dynamic team successfully completed the design review and permitting of a $100M project—from concept to groundbreaking—in a nine-month timeframe.
Woolpert incorporated this collaboration strategy into the construction process. Weekly meetings were held with the DEN project manager to provide status updates and to ensure the project aligns with the other airport activities. The team also organized weekly meetings with DEN Operations to identify risks that may impact construction and to guarantee construction does not impact airfield operations. The team’s close partnership with DEN kept the project on track and under budget.

Southwest Airlines
Denver, CO