A perfect storm has arrived for infrastructure managers—aging wet infrastructure, increased regulations, supply chain disruptions, an increased focus on sustainability, competing fiscal priorities, and a need to ensure compliance with funding requirements. Woolpert works with many of the nation’s largest cities, counties, and regional utilities to proactively respond to these challenges.
Our team approaches water/wastewater regulatory compliance issues from a truly integrated perspective. Because we excel at data collection and visualization, traditional engineering design, and GIS-based decision support, we can deliver end-to-end services on projects of every complexity level to save clients time and cost.
Woolpert uses cost-effective strategies to deliver best-fit, sustainable solutions backed by sound science and implemented with EPA-approved methods. Additionally, we participate in industry organizations such as APWA, AWWA, DBIA, NACWA, and WEF and maintain collaborative relationships with university researchers, state regulators, federal agencies, and industry experts to educate clients before regulatory changes and influence the development of laws and regulations.
Featured Projects
- Asset management program development and implementation
- Capital improvement plan program management
- Comprehensive capacity, management, operations, and maintenance program (CMOM) development
- Funding consultation
- GIS-based decision support
- Hydraulic modeling
- Integrated urban water management
- Large-diameter pipe condition assessment
- Pump station and force main design
- Pump station condition assessment and rehabilitation
- Resilience planning
- Sanitary sewer evaluation surveys
- Sewer system design
- Sewer system inventory and condition assessment
- Trenchless sewer rehabilitation
- Water distribution design
- Watershed/sewershed master planning